Saturday 21 March 2020

Hello lovely people, hopefully you are all safe and warm in these times of uncertainty and fear. I did a little spread for all of us, to see what the message of our guardians and guides is. Archangel Michael's card almost jumped out at me. The message is clear: Trusting Heaven. He wants to reassure us that we are safe and we are not alone. Whenever we feel overwhelmed or vulnerable, he encourages us to take a step back. Only then, he and his legion of helpers can help and clear all that is no longer serving us, thus allowing us to welcome the miracles of change that we deserve.
Asking for some more detailed information, I drew three more cards which are Rest, New Beginnings and Invention. How powerful are their messages! Although we might feel disempowered and no in control, this time "out" gives us the opportunity to re-charge our batteries, to work out where our priorities are and simply to reset. Perhaps your job is no longer the right one for you, you look for ways to earn money with a long-loved but long-neglected hobby, or you simply need to find yourself again … have a little think what the cards' message means for you. Lots of love

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