Saturday 6 April 2013

The Risk of "Light" Products

Switching from soft drinks containing sugar to drinks sweetened with aspartame can be a bad choice, especially for diabetes sufferers. The brain cannot differentiate between sugar and artificial sweeteners, and therefore activates the same mechanisms: increasing the blood sugar level, thereby causing the pancreas to secrete more insulin. The more "light" soft drinks we consume, the more insulin will be secreted. This can eventually lead to disaster. i.e. insulin resistance and ultimately to diabetes type II. What is worrying is that "light" drinks appear to be even more unhealthy than drinks containing sugar, as a recently published study by the French research institute for medicine INSERM reveals. The medical history data of more than 66,000 women were analysed by the scientists, with regard to their dietary habits. The result: The risk of developling diabetes in women who consumed half a litre of "light" soft drinks per week was increased by 15 per cent. In those who drank one and a half litres per week, the rate of increase was a whopping 59 per cent!

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