Monday, 14 February 2011

Spice up your life – design a funeral

·        Blast through some of the myths about what is and isn’t possible.

·        Enjoy reviewing the high spots of your life so far.

·        Take time to consider the memories you want your friends and family to treasure.

·        Savour the opportunity to choose music, colour, decoration, shape and form of the celebration.

·        Take control of a significant event in your life story.

Rev Joy Gleeson is an Interfaith Minister, a celebrant, teacher, healer and spiritual counsellor, who ministers to people of all faiths and none. Excited and inspired by the opportunity to review her own life story and design the funeral she really wants for herself, so her friends and family are left with memories that will comfort and support them. Joy wants to offer this workshop to everyone who wants to take advantage of the same opportunity.

At the end of this enjoyable workshop, you will take away the blue-print for a celebration or memorial that will reflect how you see yourself and will be a blessing for your family and friends.

Venue:  Haddon Acre, Sires Hill, nr Wallingford. OX119BG

Sat 5th March    10am to 3pm.    .

£35.00  per person. Light refreshments. Bring and share lunch.

To book contact:  Joy Gleeson 01235 771837  mob 07957 465205

Rev Joy Gleeson
Interfaith Minister, Teacher, Healer, Celebrant
Spiritual Counsellor

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