Thursday, 10 February 2011

Fruity Supplement For Migraines

Browsing the stalls at the Congress of Practitioners for Alternative Therapies in Munich, I came across a company who introduced their product "Migra3" for the treatment of migraines. I was given a few samples then, which I tried on myself, on the odd occasion of an approaching migraine attack - although I am by far not a child nor a young adult anymore. It tasted delicious, and I was able to ward off the threatening, full-blown attacks. This was a few years ago, and I have not suffered a migraine ever since. I had almost forgotten about Migra3, until - while browsing the internet - I came across an article on the Daily Mail website where the supplement got a mention:

"The supplement contains a cocktail of compounds, including ­coenzyme Q10, blueberries, blackcurrant and magnesium, and is being used in a trial with children and adolescents at the University of Essen in Germany.
The researchers say that migraine in young people can be associated with low levels of coenzyme q10, a compound produced naturally in the body that boosts energy, enhances the immune system and acts like an antioxidant — fighting free radicals which can cause cell damage in the body.
They believe that the supplement, known as Migra3, may lower the risk of migraine’s crushing pain. ‘We believe that daily supplementation of coenzyme Q10, together with different antioxidative chemicals from berries and specific minerals and vitamins, are able to reduce the number of days children have migraines,’ they say."
If you need more info, please get in touch.

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