Monday, 21 February 2011

From The Secret Daily Teachings

"Every human being on the planet wants to be happy. Anything that anyone desires is because they think their desire will make them happy. Whether it is health, money, a loving relationship, material things, accomplishments, a job, or anything at all, the desire for happiness is the bottom line of all of them. But remember that happiness is a state inside of us, and something on the outside can only bring fleeting happiness, because material things are impermanent.
Permanent happiness comes from you choosing to be permanently happy. When you choose happiness, then you attract all the happy things as well. The happy things are the icing on the cake, but the cake is happiness."
Rhonda Byrne

Interesting Article on Sugar

Monday, 14 February 2011

Spice up your life – design a funeral

·        Blast through some of the myths about what is and isn’t possible.

·        Enjoy reviewing the high spots of your life so far.

·        Take time to consider the memories you want your friends and family to treasure.

·        Savour the opportunity to choose music, colour, decoration, shape and form of the celebration.

·        Take control of a significant event in your life story.

Rev Joy Gleeson is an Interfaith Minister, a celebrant, teacher, healer and spiritual counsellor, who ministers to people of all faiths and none. Excited and inspired by the opportunity to review her own life story and design the funeral she really wants for herself, so her friends and family are left with memories that will comfort and support them. Joy wants to offer this workshop to everyone who wants to take advantage of the same opportunity.

At the end of this enjoyable workshop, you will take away the blue-print for a celebration or memorial that will reflect how you see yourself and will be a blessing for your family and friends.

Venue:  Haddon Acre, Sires Hill, nr Wallingford. OX119BG

Sat 5th March    10am to 3pm.    .

£35.00  per person. Light refreshments. Bring and share lunch.

To book contact:  Joy Gleeson 01235 771837  mob 07957 465205

Rev Joy Gleeson
Interfaith Minister, Teacher, Healer, Celebrant
Spiritual Counsellor

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Fruity Supplement For Migraines

Browsing the stalls at the Congress of Practitioners for Alternative Therapies in Munich, I came across a company who introduced their product "Migra3" for the treatment of migraines. I was given a few samples then, which I tried on myself, on the odd occasion of an approaching migraine attack - although I am by far not a child nor a young adult anymore. It tasted delicious, and I was able to ward off the threatening, full-blown attacks. This was a few years ago, and I have not suffered a migraine ever since. I had almost forgotten about Migra3, until - while browsing the internet - I came across an article on the Daily Mail website where the supplement got a mention:

"The supplement contains a cocktail of compounds, including ­coenzyme Q10, blueberries, blackcurrant and magnesium, and is being used in a trial with children and adolescents at the University of Essen in Germany.
The researchers say that migraine in young people can be associated with low levels of coenzyme q10, a compound produced naturally in the body that boosts energy, enhances the immune system and acts like an antioxidant — fighting free radicals which can cause cell damage in the body.
They believe that the supplement, known as Migra3, may lower the risk of migraine’s crushing pain. ‘We believe that daily supplementation of coenzyme Q10, together with different antioxidative chemicals from berries and specific minerals and vitamins, are able to reduce the number of days children have migraines,’ they say."
If you need more info, please get in touch.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Take A Look At Your Life

Sometimes it is necessary to stop and look at your life. Take some "me-time“, go for a walk, sit by a lake or river. Water has something eternal, doesn‘t it? It just flows, whatever happens around it. Where did you get to so far, is this where you want to be, where do you really want to go in life? What would really make you happy? Just daydream, there are no restrictions or boundaries. See yourself as the director of a new film, a painter in front of a clean white canvas. Remember, it is YOUR film, YOUR painting. Nobody else will see it unless you want them to. But by creating your own "work of art“, you send out a message. May be that you will notice a warm feeling in your tummy. This is a good sign that you have made the first step into the right direction. Lots of our present-day-problems have their roots in our childhood. Traumas, bullying, physical and mental abuse leave their traces behind. Very often, the victims suffer in adulthood without knowing that the scars are still there and are very deep. To be able to heal, we must make contact with our "inner child“. How on earth can I do that, I hear you say. 

Try a simple meditation: Sit in a comfy chair or lay down, whatever is most convenient and relaxing for you. Shut off the phone and the doorbell, ask somebody to walk the dog… Take a few deep breaths and imagine you walk down a staircase right into your body – your heart, chest, stomach, abdomen, wherever you want to go and imagine that bright sunshine fills every nook and cranny. Just watch how you feel while you are going all the way. If you have got a certain health problem or have been diagnosed with – for example – fibroids, tumours, cysts etc, go to this particular part of the body and have a look at it – metaphorically speaking. What do you feel while doing so, what pictures come up? Was it something from the past that happened to you? How old were you? Who was involved? Make contact to this younger you and ask how he or she feels, take the child in your arm or by the hand, and together you may want to sit down with the people involved, like parents, siblings, teachers etc and ask them what made them do the things they did to hurt you. In certain cases, it may be advisable to consult an experienced therapist to help you go the way. If you found out what hurt you in your earlier years, you have the chance to make peace with your past, allow the wound to heal and look forward to a brighter, happier life.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Healing Circle For Healers in Wantage With Rev Joy Gleeson

"Whatever your healing gift and practice, you are invited to join a healing circle in Wantage to :

Refresh and strengthen your contact with the Healing Source

Gain support and friendship from other healers

Work together to send healing out into the community and the world

The circle will be hosted and facilitated by Rev Joy Gleeson , an Interfaith Minister who works with people of all faiths and no faith, and who knows the power of healing love and has been encouraged and touched by the increased power of coming together to support one another and renew our strength and trust through meditation and ceremony. There will also be time for conversation and making new friends.

The circle will meet at my home and there will be no charge, just a donation box . An initial meeting is planned for Saturday 12th Feb at 2.30 and will end at 4.30.

Please call 01235 771837 or/07957465205, even if you can’t make this meeting but are interested in coming in future.

Venue 16 Smiths Wharf Wantage (plenty of parking in Sainsbury’s and nearby car parks, but read the notices to avoid a parking ticket)

I look forward to welcoming  you"