Mouth ulcers (also known as aphthous ulcers or canker sores) are painful, pathological alterations of the mucuous membranes and mainly appear on the gums, in the oral cavity, on the tongue or the lower lip. In most cases, the whitish-yellow spots will disappear after a fortnight. However, it might be worth finding out the cause of the problem if they recur on a regular basis. Very often, their appearance might indicate a Vitamin B12 deficiency. Also, an intolerance against gluten or some specific food, such as tomatoes, nuts or chocolate can lead to these skin irritations. Good first aid remedies to help with the burning sensation or itching are myrrh, rhubarb root or clove tinctures. Hexetidine solution used as mouthwash can also help to get rid of the annoying sores, however, it might have an impact on taste and can cause numbness in the mouth. Please ask your GP or pharmacist.
An experienced kinesiologist can help to find out the underlying cause by testing you for any existing intolerances, and even to eliminate them with a simple tapping exercise, for example.
For further info pls contact
(picture courtesy Google images)
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