Monday, 31 January 2011

From the Secret Daily Teachings

"If you find yourself in a negative situation with someone in your life, take a few minutes each day to feel love within your heart for that person, and then send it out into the Universe. Just doing this one thing helps to remove any resentment, anger, or negativity towards that person.
Remember that feeling resentment, anger, or any negative emotion attracts it back to you. Feeling love attracts love back to you. What you are feeling for another, you are bringing to you."
Rhonda Byrne

Friday, 28 January 2011

Don't Despair - Flower Remedy Can Help...

Sweet Chestnut (Castania sativa) - Bach Flower Remedy - Humans in need of Sweet Chestnut are despondent and completely in despair. Close to a physical breakdown, however, they are making an effort not to show their weakness. In most cases, this is only a temporary condition brought on by a heavy blow of fate. Sweet Chestnut can give us strength and optimism, and shows us the chance for a new beginning which is hidden behind every crisis.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011


Finally, many of us will say, spring is here, with its bright colours, fresh scents and a sense of new life all around us.
However, not everybody can enjoy the beauty of this season, feel the joy and enthusiasm for the days getting longer, the warming rays of the sun.

Au contraire: A frighteningly high number of fellow-humans, and you may be one of them, might wonder "what is the matter with me? Why do I feel as if paralysed, without any drive and totally down?“ A feeling beyond physical tiredness. Especially in spring, with the awakening of nature, the good mood of people all around us, we can feel our own sadness even more and be made painfully aware of. Depression is the number-one-disease of modern civilisation in the 21st century. One in five Europeans suffer from depression at some stage in their lives. And 20 per cent of the sufferers commit suicide. Some experts see the cause in the tremendous pressure on the modern human being. With an overload of information and lack of time and personal space. They just can‘t keep up anymore. "Married couples talk to each other for an average of eight minutes daily, 40 per cent of employees working in upper management suffer from stress. The speed with which we race through our daily life has doubled during the last 200 years…“ as was recently published in the German magazine DIE ZEIT.
But, what can we do? Of course, depression requires adequate therapy and treatment. Suitable medication can literally be a life-saver. However, emotional support to overcome the feeling of desolation and to heal the soul is required too. Whatever the reason – it is important for the sufferer to realise, and to admit to themselves: "I accept my sadness. I do not have to deny it or to hide it. Depression is nothing to be ashamed of“.
"I can do something myself to make me feel better. I must allow myself to take more time for a person who is there for me, who listens. It doesn‘t matter who: a psychologist, a psychiatrist or a friend who I can confide my problems to. I am also allowed to take time to read a good book which can help me."

We all need some "time out“ – and if it is just a few minutes every day – to charge our batteries and gain new strength.

"Every day on which you can laugh, think and feel, on which you can see, hear, taste and run, on which you are loved, each of these days can be a special day, if you choose to be grateful for these riches.“

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The Benefits of Oats

Eating oats regularly can lower the "bad" LDL cholesterol, which is held responsible for cardio-vascular diseases. The so-called highly unsaturated fatty acids in oats, mainly represented by linolic acid, help to maintain a healthy level of the "good" HDL cholesterol which keeps LDL in check.
Oats are rich in fibre, protein, B-Vitamins and have high content of essential minerals, such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zink.
A breakfast with 40g oatflakes, 1 banana and 125 ml milk (alternatively rice, soya or goats milk if you are intolerant to dairy) supply a woman with one third of her daily requirements for fibres, a quarter of the required protein and 42 % of her daily need for magnesium and Vitamin B6.

Monday, 17 January 2011

From the Secret Daily Teachings

"So often when things change in our lives, we have such a resistance to the change. This is because when people see a big change appearing they are often fearful that it is something bad. But it is important to remember that when something big changes in our lives, it means something better is coming. There cannot be a vacuum in the Universe, and so as something moves out, something must come in and replace it. When change comes, relax, have total faith and know that the change is ALL GOOD.
Something more magnificent is coming to you."
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret and The Power

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Mouth Ulcers Can Be Signs For Deficiencies

Mouth ulcers (also known as aphthous ulcers or canker sores) are painful, pathological alterations of the mucuous membranes and mainly appear on the gums, in the oral cavity, on the tongue or the lower lip. In most cases, the whitish-yellow spots will disappear after a fortnight. However, it might be worth finding out the cause of the problem if they recur on a regular basis. Very often, their appearance might indicate a Vitamin B12 deficiency. Also, an intolerance against gluten or some specific food, such as tomatoes, nuts or chocolate can lead to these skin irritations. Good first aid remedies to help with the burning sensation or itching are myrrh, rhubarb root or clove tinctures. Hexetidine solution used as mouthwash can also help to get rid of the annoying sores, however, it might have an impact on taste and can cause numbness in the mouth. Please ask your GP or pharmacist.

An experienced kinesiologist can help to find out the underlying cause by testing you for any existing intolerances, and even to eliminate them with a simple tapping exercise, for example.
For further info pls contact
(picture courtesy Google images)

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Improve Hearing with Folic Acid

If you are "hard of hearing", it is worth to find out if you suffer from a possible deficiency of folic acid. Recent studies in the USA and the Netherlands showed that there is a link between loss of hearing and a diet which is low in folates. There is plenty of folic acid in leavy salads, spinach, beans and pulses, sojabeans, broccoli and carrots.
(pic courtesy of Loewen-Apotheke)

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Do You Fancy A Change...

...try Irisflora Essence "Bergahorn" (sycamore maple, acer pseudoplatanus) - This essence made from the greenish-yellow flower clusters of this tree helps us, if we are unhappy about our life situation because we feel that everything stagnates. Perhaps, this is because we have neglected our own needs for too long - up to now, we only have lived for the husband, the children, the family, work place etc. Now we are feeling blocked, which can manifest itself in inner agitation and acts of compensation (smoking, alcohol, being a workaholic). With this essence, affected people re-gain the courage and the strength to fulfill their own needs and to realise their own potential, without being considerate of everybody else all the time. The blocked energies can flow freely again. On a physical level, this essence can be used to eliminate the energetic interference caused by scars.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Millet - Not Just Food for Birds

If it comes to record levels of silica content - the little grains of millet are top of the list and therefore can guarantee "beauty from within". When we get older, eating millet becomes more and more important as silica levels in the connective tissues of our bodies lessen with age. Millet can help to balance the deficiency and therefore can prevent wrinkles. The grain is rich in carbs, fibre, protein, vitamin B, magnesium, silica and iron - and it is free of gluten.
Rinse millet with hot water and prepare in the same way as rice. Perhaps add a stock cube for taste.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Courses and Workshops in DORN Therapy and Auricular Implant Acupuncture

Are you a certified therapist or acupuncturist and interested in learning about DORN Therapy or Auricular Implant Acupuncture? This spring, I am planning to give introductions, training and workshops in small groups. The venue is Grove Business Centre/Boston House, Grove Technology Park near Wantage, Oxfordshire. Please do get in touch via e-mail: for more details.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Say goodbye to your fears...

Fears and phobias are a problem that affects many people.

In some cases, the anxiety is so strong that sufferers have to build their entire life around it. Not being able to see loved ones in foreign countries, or to go on that crucial business trip, or perhaps to confront that nasty big spider in the bath! – it can affect many aspects of your life
Tranquillisers and relaxation techniques may be helpful. However, hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Psychological Kinesiology can often put an end to the misery without drugs.

Hypnotherapy might make some people a little nervous. “Am I completely at the mercy of the therapist?”, “Can he or she make me do something I do not want to do”, “Am I completely out of control during the session?” All these are questions that come to mind when it comes to Hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is a state of deep relaxation, not sleep. During the session, the client is fully aware of what is going on around them, but not affected by it. All that matters during the session is the therapist’s voice. When the actual session is finished, the client will come out of this state of deep relaxation refreshed and alert.

However, if it still does not feel the right thing for you, EFT and Psychological Kinesiology are very effective, too.

EFT involves concentrating on the actual “problem” and tapping certain areas of your body, mainly on the head and a hand.

Psychological Kinesiology is targeted completely on the world of emotions, and just a little bit of tapping. This method proves very effective in children – for example recently an 11-year-old boy was “cured” from his fear of dogs in just one session.

So, maybe your fears and anxieties can be a thing of the past, soon?

Monday, 3 January 2011

Bechterew's Disease - Aloe Vera Can Help

If you have been diagnosed with Morbus Bechterew (ankylosing spondylitis), you might want to try Aloe Vera. Aloe vera products can ease the pain and also help to detox the body. Drinking a good aloe vera supplement regularly will aid the blood flow in the small blood vessels and strengthens the immune system. Aloe vera contains natural, pain-relieving substances. Therefore, a good gel or cream based on the aloe plant, together with the supplement can be a therapeutic approach for sufferers.