If you suffer from chronic gastric pain, this exercise might help. In German it is called "Rollkur" (rolling therapy). At 7am (when the stomach is at its most active, in biochemical terms), drink a large cup of chamomile tea. Then you lie on your back for five minutes, turn to your left side and stay in this position for five minutes, lie face down for five minutes and finally lie on your right side, also for five minutes. It is important to stick to this order, because the stomach opens to the right side of the body. Perhaps you want to prepare the tea the evening before the procedure. If you use loose tea, infuse two tablespoons full of chamomile tea in freshly boiled water and leave for 10 minutes. Fill it in a thermos flask and leave by the bed so you don't have to get out of bed in the morning.
Introduce Manuka Honey into your diet to help maintain a healthy acid balance.
If the symptoms persist or even get worse, consult your GP and ask for a test for Helicobacter Pylori - a common stomach bug which needs to be treated with a course of antibiotics.
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