We have all heard of the benefits of honey, but do you know how honey can really boost your well-being? If you drink a glass of warm honeyed water daily, the results will surprise you.
In ancient Egypt, honey was used as a natural remedy. The "food of the Gods" was not only used for treating wounds, but also as a diuretic and a laxative. Also in ancient Greece, the golden aliment was held in high esteem. Athletes used to drink honeyed water as a "performance enhancer" ahead of the Olympic Games, and also for a more speedy recovery afterwards.
Honey is a superb super-food and has many positive effects on our bodies. Just one glass of warm honeyed water daily makes a big difference already.
Honeyed water (1 teaspoon to a glass of warm water) is a great all-rounder which can have many positive effects on your health and beauty.
(picture: freshideen.com)
A strong immune system
Scientific research has shown that honey has antibiotic properties and is therefore a good support for our immune system. Besides, it contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes. The osmotic effect is responsible for harmful bacteria in our bodies being killed when coming in direct contact with honey. Thanks to its high sugar content, water is withdrawn from the bacteria so that the harmful bacteria will simply die.
Detox for the body
We all absorb toxins with our food and often also with the consumption of alcohol, medication and from other sources, which are deposited in our organs, such as intestines and liver. Drinking honeyed water helps to rid the body of these toxins. If you add some lemon juice, the detox process will be enhanced.
Good for the skin
Apart from helping to detox the body, honey has a positive effect on the skin. Its antibacterial properties support cell renewal and make your skin look better. Honey can be used as an indulgent facial mask.
Reduces sugar cravings
The first thing that springs to mind is the high sugar content of honey. Of course, honey contains sugar, but it is completely different from its industrial form. The natural sugar in honey helps us to crave less of the unhealthy kind.
Relieves a sore throat
Warm honeyed water soothes a sore throat. Its antibiotic properties heal infections of the respiratory system and also help to reduce coughing.
Lowers bad cholesterol
Due to its high content of antioxidants, honeyed water can help lower bad cholesterol and to reduce harmful deposits on your body's blood vessel walls.
Lessens the risk of heart disease
Once again, it is the antioxidants in honey which protect your heart. If your cholesterol levels are fine, the risk of strokes and heart attacks are reduced.
(source: lebe-liebe-lache/Germany)
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