Further to my last blog, here is the continued list of amazing foods:
15. Dandelion
Dandelion filters toxins and metabolic waste out of the blood stream and has a beneficial effect on a poorly liver. Besides, this plant is a rich source of minerals and offers a multitude of phytonutrients (plant substances): super-antioxidants which help cleansing of the digestive tract. Use young, tender dandelion leaves in a tasty, leafy mixed salad.
16. Fennel
This bulbous vegetable is rich in fibre and can help maintain a healthy bowel. The fennel bulb's fibrous tissue bind toxins and fatty substances in the bowel and so help with the detox process. Moreover, fennel is a good source of folic acid.
17. Linseed
Linseed has extremely high contents of vitamins and minerals. The seeds are rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E and also contain potassium, phosphor, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. Far more remarkable is their content of Omega 3, an essential fatty acid which has a healing effect on our body. It optimises the level of blood fats and protects the vascular walls from calcification. Linseed has anti-inflammatory properties, aids brain function, and eating them regularly helps with digestion problems. It can also be used for poultices on inflamed skin.
18. Garlic
Garlic contains a variety of sulphuric compounds which help flush out excess acids from food as well as metabolic acids. This relative of the onion contains Allicin and Selenium, two powerful nutrients which are known to protect the liver from acid damage and help the organ to rid the body of toxins.
19. Ginger
is a great support for digestion, detoxes the body and rejuvenates (ginger is an antioxidant). Its active natural ingredients are said to have similar effects as painkilling tablets. Ginger has antibiotic properties and stimulates the immune system. It is also an excellent tonic and pick-me-up.
20. Goji Berries
Goji berries contain more vitamin C than oranges and more beta carotene than carrots. Vitamin C can help to flush out waste substances from the body, while beta carotene improves liver function. Goji berries contain more iron than spinach; 50 grams of dried Goji berries provide us with the minimum daily requirement of iron.
21. Grapefruit
Grapefruit are high in natural vitamin C and antioxidants, two powerful liver-cleansers. Like garlic, this fruit contains composites which buffer excess acids. It also contains a certain flavonoid compound, known as Naringenin, which stimulates the liver into absorbing acids and to eliminate them, instead of depositing them in the body's fatty tissues.
22. Green Tea
Among the most effective substances contained in green tea are poly-phenols which are known as powerful free-radical neutralisers. These are substances which are able to intercept free radicals and neutralise their damaging impact on our health. Poly-phenol is even stronger than vitamins C and F. Ongoing research indicates that it can offer smokers protection against skin-, bowel and lung cancer.
23. Hemp
Hemp contains Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA) which boosts metabolism big time. This fatty acid takes care that fat deposits can be used for the generation of energy so that fat can be reduced quicker. Furthermore, GLA plays an important part in the effective functioning of the cellular energy supply system called sodium-potassium-pump which provides body cells with nutrients and, at the same time, removes toxic waste from the cells. If the sodium-potassium-pump doesn't work efficiently, toxins will be deposited in the cells, the cell function will be disrupted and the entire metabolism slows down more and more. For that reason, hemp plays an important role in the process of toxin elimination.
24. Curly Kale
is on top of all other varieties of fruit and vegetables when it comes to diversity. When it comes to vitamin A content, kale beats any record - 4 times higher than broccoli, 40 times higher than celeriac; kale contains all of the B vitamins. Just one portion of curly kale covers the entire daily dose of vitamin C. It provides us with as much calcium as 2 glasses of milk. Those who suffer from osteoporosis should eat kale on a regular basis. And hardly any other vegetable has more vitamin E which effectively protects body cells against free radicals and slows down the ageing process. Curly kale cleanses the intestines and removes blockages, helps damaged intestinal mucous membrane to restore more quickly and strengthens the body's mucous tissue. It has a vitalising effect and helps to lower cholesterol and fat concentration in the blood. After eating kale, its slurry remains stick to the intestinal walls for quite a long time and so help maintain a health gut flora.
25. Lemon Grass
Lemon grass supports the cleansing of the liver, kidneys, bladder and the entire intestinal tract. Drinking lemon grass tea improves blood circulation and digestion. Tea made with lemon grass is often used for detoxing.
26. Lemons
The vitamin C in lemons is an anti-oxidant and helps to cleanse the blood by eliminating harmful toxins and other radicals. Lemon juice can be seen as a filter for the body. Fresh lemon juice contains more than 20 anti-cancer-compounds and helps to balance the body's pH balance.
27. Olive Oil
An oil-pulling-cure is beneficial for healthy teeth and a healthy mouth. It helps to prevent bleeding gums and bad breath, loose teeth, plaque, caries and stained teeth (A general oil pulling technique involves swishing around 1 tbsp. of cold-pressed, organic oil in the mouth for approximately 10-15 minutes. Following this, the oil should then be spat out and the mouth rinsed with clean, fresh water. It is believed that the toxins in the mouth are pulled into the oil during the swishing process, and spitting it out results in the removal these toxic compounds.)
28. Onions
Onions are rich in anti-oxidants, support the body to ward off cancer and diabetes, dilute the blood, help to lose weight and fight infections and inflammation.
29. Parsley
Parsley has high levels of beta carotene, vitamins A, C and K which help protect the bladder and kidneys. Parsley contains a variety of beneficial substances which promote health in many respects. That's why parsley is regarded as a detoxing herb.
30. Pineapple
This tropical fruit contains Bromelain, a digestive enzyme which has cleansing properties and improves digestion. Bromelain reduces inflammation, the formation of blood clots and certain kinds of tumours. Besides, pineapples have a particularly high content of dietary fibre, that's why they are perfect when it comes to cleansing the intestinal tract. Pineapple helps to remove waste material that got stuck in the intestinal tract and stimulates digestion.
31. Seaweed
Algae are often underrated, although they can bind radioactive waste in the body and help to excrete it. Algae and seaweed can also bind heavy metals and remove them from the body. Furthermore, they are a powerhouse full with minerals and trace elements. Algae extracts can be of great help when it comes to losing weight, i.e. body fat.
32. Curcuma
This yellow spice contains Curcumin which is regarded as an anti-oxidant that protects the liver. Therefore, curcuma is among the spices which are ideal to use in cooking during detoxing. To boost the beneficial properties of curcuma, combine it with black pepper extract as a supplement to speed up the detoxification process.
33. Watercress
contains minerals, trace elements, tannins and bitter substances as well as vitamins. Watercress improves the efficiency of the excretory organs. It supports the liver, gallbladder, bladder and kidneys and has a beneficial effect on the entire metabolism. Eating watercress on a regular basis can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
34. Wheat Grass
Wheat grass is perfect to detox the body. It is full of chlorophyll which draws toxins from the body tissue. Many of us show a high level of heavy metal in our bodies. Most of us are unaware that these heavy metals remain in the body and can eventually lead to serious diseases like diabetes or cancer. Wheat grass is one of the best nutriments to eliminate heavy metals and other toxins from the body.
... and, last but not least: fresh, clean spring water
The human body consists of approximately 70 - 80 % of water. Adequate hydration is of utmost importance in all our bodies' processes and functions. Water helps us mainly with the elimination of toxins from our bodies. Therefore, any measures of detoxification are of little use, unless the body has enough water to work with.
Please note that if you are aware of any allergies or averse reactions to any of the above-mentioned ingredients, please refrain from ingesting them.
(Source: Daniel Schroeder www.wachaufmenschheit.de, Wikipedia)
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Foods That Can Help You Cleanse Your Body
Eating healthily can help you to cleanse your body from inside. A healthy diet aids the detox process and thus help us maintain a good state of health. The following foods are particularly suited as they boost metabolism, aid digestion and strengthen the immune system:
1. Artichokes
Artichokes support liver function. The liver is mostly responsible for cleansing the blood, like a kind of sewage treatment plant, it rids the body of harmful substances and toxins. Artichokes stimulate the gall bladder to produce bile fluid and so help maintain liver function.
2. Apples
Apples are full of wonderful nutrients. They are most powerful when it comes to breaking down harmful substances and, at the same time, supply the body with more than 300 different biological substances. Their vitamin C content is good for the nerves, the heart and the immune system. Eating 2 organic apples a day is enough to detox the body with turbo speed.
3. Almonds
Almonds are regarded as the best source of Vitamin E, as they contain alpha-Tocopherol (a form of vitamin E which is preferentially absorbed and accumulated in humans). Alpha-Tocopherol is the only form of vitamin E to circulate in the blood and so is able to reach all organs. That's why almonds can offer, apart from dietary fibre, calcium, magnesium and protein, protection against cancer, diabetes and heart- and circulation problems. Therefore, it may be worthwhile nibbling a handful of almonds every day.
4. Asparagus
This vegetable is also optimal in detoxing the body, because asparagus increases the body's own glutathione level. Glutathione is an antioxidant produced naturally in the body, which effectively fights cancer cells and has also shown a positive effect in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, glutathione supports the liver in all detox processes, thus supporting the recuperation progress. People suffering from gout should not eat asparagus, though ...
5. Avocados
Avocados are also rich in glutathione-producing compounds which promote a healthy liver, as they protect it from a toxic excess of acidic substances. Studies have revealed that eating 1-2 avocados per day, for at least 30 days, can help repair a damaged liver. The recommendation is to enjoy one avocado per day.
6. Basil
This herb has antibacterial properties and is full of antioxidants which protect the liver. Basil is immensely powerful when it comes to detoxing the digestive system and also supports kidney function. Basil has antibacterial properties, thus protecting us against germs and pathogenic bacteria (also harmful yeast bacteria), fungi and mould. Basil seeds can also be used against constipation.
7. Beetroot
Munching on beetroot on a regular basis stimulates liver cell function, strengthens the gall bladder and cleanses the bile ducts. This ensures a trouble-free digestion and also helps the body to get rid of metabolic waste and toxins quickly and thoroughly.
8. Berries
Blueberries are regarded as a natural aspirin. They reduce the cell-damaging effects of chronic inflammation and help to reduce pain. A helping of just 300 grams of blueberries can protect from DNA damage. Blueberries have antiviral properties and are a powerful detoxicant.
9. Brazil Nuts
contain a high level of the trace element selenium which binds heavy metals and so help the body with the detox process. Because selenium also is an antioxidant, it protects us from diseases of the heart and circulation system and can help prevent cancer. As selenium attaches to protein, it plays an important role in the activation of thyroid hormones. Brazil nuts contain minerals, such as phosphor, magnesium and calcium.
10. Broccoli
This vegetable helps the body to get rid of excess fluid. That's why it is highly recommended against high blood pressure and fluid retention. However, it is important to use very little or no salt to cook it. Broccoli is good for stressed fellow humans due to its high content of the anti-stress mineral magnesium. Other benefits of feasting on those green mini-trees are strengthening the body's connective tissue and activating fat metabolism.
11. Broccoli Sprouts (brassica oleracea)
contain important secondary plant compounds which come into effect when being chopped up, chewed, fermented or digested. These substances, which are released in the process, split into disease-fighting compounds which also aid the detox process. Scientists have also found that concoctions with brassica oleracea support the anti-inflammatory enzymes in the respiratory tract.
12. Cabbage
Cabbage is rich in sulphur which is necessary to help the body degrade harmful chemicals. It is also a source of indole-3 carbinol, a compound which aids the DNA repair in body cells and can block the growth of cancer cells.
13. Coriander
Also known as Chinese parsley and Dhania, contains lots of antioxidants. This herb helps to flush out mercury and other metals from body tissue and helps to strengthen and tauten it at the same time. Coriander also contains an antibacterial substance called Dodecanal which is used to kill Salmonella.
14. Cinnamon
is a very effective natural remedy. Cinnamon is able to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. At the same time, this warming spice boosts metabolism (which is helpful if you want to lose weight). Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde which is known for its positive effects on blood platelets and prevents a dangerous formation of blood clots.
... to be continued.
Please note that if you are aware of any allergies or averse reactions to any of the above-mentioned ingredients, please refrain from ingesting them.
(Source: Daniel Schroeder www.wachaufmenschheit.de, Wikipedia)
1. Artichokes
Artichokes support liver function. The liver is mostly responsible for cleansing the blood, like a kind of sewage treatment plant, it rids the body of harmful substances and toxins. Artichokes stimulate the gall bladder to produce bile fluid and so help maintain liver function.
2. Apples
Apples are full of wonderful nutrients. They are most powerful when it comes to breaking down harmful substances and, at the same time, supply the body with more than 300 different biological substances. Their vitamin C content is good for the nerves, the heart and the immune system. Eating 2 organic apples a day is enough to detox the body with turbo speed.
3. Almonds
Almonds are regarded as the best source of Vitamin E, as they contain alpha-Tocopherol (a form of vitamin E which is preferentially absorbed and accumulated in humans). Alpha-Tocopherol is the only form of vitamin E to circulate in the blood and so is able to reach all organs. That's why almonds can offer, apart from dietary fibre, calcium, magnesium and protein, protection against cancer, diabetes and heart- and circulation problems. Therefore, it may be worthwhile nibbling a handful of almonds every day.
4. Asparagus
This vegetable is also optimal in detoxing the body, because asparagus increases the body's own glutathione level. Glutathione is an antioxidant produced naturally in the body, which effectively fights cancer cells and has also shown a positive effect in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, glutathione supports the liver in all detox processes, thus supporting the recuperation progress. People suffering from gout should not eat asparagus, though ...
5. Avocados
Avocados are also rich in glutathione-producing compounds which promote a healthy liver, as they protect it from a toxic excess of acidic substances. Studies have revealed that eating 1-2 avocados per day, for at least 30 days, can help repair a damaged liver. The recommendation is to enjoy one avocado per day.
6. Basil
This herb has antibacterial properties and is full of antioxidants which protect the liver. Basil is immensely powerful when it comes to detoxing the digestive system and also supports kidney function. Basil has antibacterial properties, thus protecting us against germs and pathogenic bacteria (also harmful yeast bacteria), fungi and mould. Basil seeds can also be used against constipation.
7. Beetroot
Munching on beetroot on a regular basis stimulates liver cell function, strengthens the gall bladder and cleanses the bile ducts. This ensures a trouble-free digestion and also helps the body to get rid of metabolic waste and toxins quickly and thoroughly.
8. Berries
Blueberries are regarded as a natural aspirin. They reduce the cell-damaging effects of chronic inflammation and help to reduce pain. A helping of just 300 grams of blueberries can protect from DNA damage. Blueberries have antiviral properties and are a powerful detoxicant.
9. Brazil Nuts
contain a high level of the trace element selenium which binds heavy metals and so help the body with the detox process. Because selenium also is an antioxidant, it protects us from diseases of the heart and circulation system and can help prevent cancer. As selenium attaches to protein, it plays an important role in the activation of thyroid hormones. Brazil nuts contain minerals, such as phosphor, magnesium and calcium.
10. Broccoli
This vegetable helps the body to get rid of excess fluid. That's why it is highly recommended against high blood pressure and fluid retention. However, it is important to use very little or no salt to cook it. Broccoli is good for stressed fellow humans due to its high content of the anti-stress mineral magnesium. Other benefits of feasting on those green mini-trees are strengthening the body's connective tissue and activating fat metabolism.
11. Broccoli Sprouts (brassica oleracea)
contain important secondary plant compounds which come into effect when being chopped up, chewed, fermented or digested. These substances, which are released in the process, split into disease-fighting compounds which also aid the detox process. Scientists have also found that concoctions with brassica oleracea support the anti-inflammatory enzymes in the respiratory tract.
12. Cabbage
Cabbage is rich in sulphur which is necessary to help the body degrade harmful chemicals. It is also a source of indole-3 carbinol, a compound which aids the DNA repair in body cells and can block the growth of cancer cells.
13. Coriander
Also known as Chinese parsley and Dhania, contains lots of antioxidants. This herb helps to flush out mercury and other metals from body tissue and helps to strengthen and tauten it at the same time. Coriander also contains an antibacterial substance called Dodecanal which is used to kill Salmonella.
14. Cinnamon
is a very effective natural remedy. Cinnamon is able to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. At the same time, this warming spice boosts metabolism (which is helpful if you want to lose weight). Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde which is known for its positive effects on blood platelets and prevents a dangerous formation of blood clots.
... to be continued.
Please note that if you are aware of any allergies or averse reactions to any of the above-mentioned ingredients, please refrain from ingesting them.
(Source: Daniel Schroeder www.wachaufmenschheit.de, Wikipedia)
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