Thursday, 10 November 2016

Happy News Again

I must say, fertility treatment is one of my favourite therapies. It is amazing to be part of something miraculous, like the creation and growth of new life. A few days ago, one of my lovely lady clients gave birth to adorable twins.
Image result for Zwillinge
(pic: courtesy

Congratulations to the parents, and welcome to this world to the babies :)

For further information about fertility treatment, please get in touch.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Finding the Light

Recently, I came across this text (in German) which I wanted to share with you. I find that there is so much truth in it, and whatever your religious preference is, I hope you like it, too.

Here goes:

“The light which you are looking for in your life is within you.

How can you find it? You can find it when you focus on the energy of love, on hope, on joy.

But what do you do so often? Most probably, you know the answer already.

You focus on problems, and there are truly plenty. Therefore, you think that time is never enough to solve your many problems. You are so entangled in these thoughts that you forget how to laugh, that you go to bed at night with a heavy head and hardly find any sleep. And in the morning, you get up and the first thing to greet you are your troubles.

You feel stuck in a hamster wheel. How come? Is life unfair? Do I perhaps want to test you by putting these obstacles in your way? I now tell you the truth: you have created all this by yourself.

“Are you saying I have created this whole chaos myself? No way! I am constantly reaching for peace. I do everything and all I can. I am there for everyone, but all they do is take advantage.”

These or similar are your words, perhaps. And yet I am telling you: you and no-one else is responsible for this chaos.

I am going to show you the way out, and I am sure you will be shocked, as you expected something completely different from your God.

The solution is: think of yourself more often. Become more selfish.

“What? God is saying I should be more selfish? That can’t be, as God wants me to be there for others, that I practice charity and love my brothers and sisters, and even perhaps to sacrifice myself for others. And that’s what I do!”

Well, you can do that, if you think it makes sense. But have you ever really helped anyone by doing so? Have you ever really received a thank you? Or did the cold breath of hell blow in your face? Were you kicked in the face for your help? Did you get thrown to the ground and were left there for a long time?

You know the answer; I know it, too, because I know your life. And I tell you: finally put an end to it, stop sacrificing yourself. And begin to love.

What is the difference? Love sets you free. Love only helps to such extent that it won’t snatch away personal initiative from others. Because if you do that, if you interfere with other people’s lives, you shall reap storm. Keep out of the lives of others!

Helping others doesn’t mean taking control of or to dictate another person’s life. But often that’s exactly what you do and call it charity. In truth, it’s the complete opposite and you can really cause a lot of damage. But perhaps you have already noticed it. Because a person, whose own decisions are blocked by you, will defend themselves. Always. Even if you actually only want their “best”. Let me tell you this: you are always likely to start wanting to help others, when actually you are pretty down yourself. Unfortunately, that’s not a good way to master life.

Once you start thinking about yourself more often, you won’t meet much approval for it at first. Many people will turn away from you. It is those who were using you; those who perhaps only needed a shoulder to cry on, who took their frustration out on you. You mustn’t be sad when you see the true face of a person. Perhaps, you will be shocked at first, but with time it will liberate you!

By doing so, you will gain more strength. Because I know that many of you constantly feel tired and exhausted. Well, how come? Do you know the answer? You wear yourself out for others. Your energy is constantly flowing to other people; that can never end well. Many of you like to talk about others who are not present. By doing so, you give away your energy and it is obvious how your energy is getting weaker and weaker. Keep your energy to yourself.

Take my words seriously, but go a bit easier on life, please.”

Unfortunately, I don't know who shared those words. So, thank you to Anon.

Find the light within you, see the beautiful things around you and care for Number 1 - yourself!

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Affordable Fertility Treatment

In about 3 weeks, one of my lovely ladies is going to give birth to twins, after their mum has completed a course of fertility treatment. Another lady has just started working with me.
The treatment typically involves acupuncture, gentle stimulation and massage of reflex points located on the feet and sometimes the support of plant and mineral supplements. Relaxation is a vital part, as well.

The most important question for many is - how much will the treatment cost? Of course, it depends on how long the body needs to be ready to conceive. Most of my lady clients fell pregnant after about 5 to 6 months from the start of the treatment, with one session every 7 to 10 days. Usually, we continue treatment for the first 3 months of pregnancy, some women stay on for longer.
My fee is £55 per treatment session and I offer a 10% reduction for a course of 10 treatments when paid in advance, that means you get 10 treatments and only pay for nine.
Please feel free to get in touch if you are interested in fertility treatment. I am happy to help.

Monday, 17 October 2016

The Healing Power of Colour

Since ancient times, colours were used in the therapy of numerous ailments. Wondrous powers have been attributed to the effects of light and to the spectrum of various colours ever since.
Of all our senses, we humans use the sense of sight the most. We absorb almost 83% of all sensory impressions through our eyes. That's why it is hardly surprising that colours and light have such a huge influence on our physical and emotional well-being.
But what exactly is colour therapy, where does it originate from and how is it connected to light therapy?

The origin of colour therapy
Colour therapy is regarded as one of the oldest methods of treatment. It is most likely based on the healing properties of sunlight which has been used to treat numerous ailments by ancient civilisations. The sun was regarded as divine, its rays gave life to Earth. The people of ancient Persia, the Aztecs, Mayans and Egyptians practised sun-worship and erected temples and buildings to honour the Sun, which have survived to the present day.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was one of the first Europeans who engaged with the influence of colours on the human psyche. His book "Zur Farbenlehre" (the theory of colours) was published in 1810, and he himself saw it as his lifetime achievement which he regarded as more meaningful than his other literary works.

The German holistic practitioner Heinz Schiegl was one of the pioneers of colour therapy in the late 70s. In his book "Color-Therapie" he described, among others, methods for self-treatment with colour therapy and also enclosed coloured filters to his book, which could be attached to any desk lamp with very little effort.

There is also photo or light therapy as well as the application of infra-red light for the treatment of depression or skin conditions. Light therapy is exclusively based on infra-red or UV light. Colours do not play any role in it.

How does colour therapy work and when can it be applied?
In almost every culture in the world, colours have certain connotations and meanings. Moreover, some colours have stimulating or calming properties which are used in coloured-light therapy, for example to stimulate the body's self-healing powers. When it comes to coloured-light therapy, processes in the brain are influenced through the eyes which are called, not without reason, the window to the soul. Even the vegetative nervous system reacts to the coloured light, and the vibrations of the light are transferred to the body.

Other therapies using the powers of colour are colour acupuncture where coloured light instead of needles is used to stimulate acupuncture points, and Aura Soma with a selection of two-coloured essences from which the patient chooses the ones he feels most attracted to.
The therapist will then interpret the combination of the chosen colours and apply the essences on certain areas of the skin.

Image result for aura soma

Colour Therapy can be used in the treatment of various illnesses and conditions:





When it comes to joint problems and Rheumatism, colour therapy can be used in combination with other forms of therapy.

The meaning of the colours 
Colours mean a lot to us and we attribute various properties to them. Certainly, every human has different preferences, but some colours are said to have certain characteristics. Red, orange and yellow have warming properties, the green of nature is relaxing and recuperative, and the blue of the ocean or the velvet dark blue of the night are calming and cool. In colour therapy, colours are used specifically to improve certain conditions. Some of them are:

Deep Red - for lethargy and a lack of energy.

Magenta - for aimlessness and the feeling of inner emptiness.

Pink - for emotional or physical tension and emotional pressure.

Orange - for periods of despondency and sadness without an obvious cause. Also, when fighting against fears and sensibility towards external influences at the same time.

Yellow - for constantly feeling unhappy and easily offended on irrelevant grounds.

Green - for severe mood swings.

Turquoise - for periods of depression and sadness without an obvious reason and if you have the tendency to worry, ruminate and if your thoughts are going round in circles. Can also help with hay fever.

Blue - for impatience and feeling rushed, stress and muscle tension. Often used for headaches and migraines.

Deep purple - for severe inner tension as a result of despair and hopelessness.

Methods for colour therapy
The simplest method for self-treatment is to expose oneself to a colour lamp. Generally, every lamp which is equipped with the desired colour filter can be used. The application time should not be longer than 15 - 20 minutes per day. Relax in a calm, warm space where you won't be disturbed. You may sit or lie down, but it is essential that you can absorb the colour light in a relaxed state. You can also use incense sticks or aroma oils and listen to lovely music, if you like, while enjoying your colour light.

You can also wear a nice scarf to complement your wardrobe and to give yourself a colour boost. A wide variety of beautiful silk scarves or other natural fibres are widely available on the internet.

People with dyslexia often benefit from coloured glasses. During a treatment session at Grove Wellness Clinic, the client is given special colour therapy glasses in different colours with which they attempt to read a printed document. In many cases, the clients say that they can read without difficulty when wearing the colour glasses. Colour glasses are also used in combination with Psychological Kinesiology.


(pic: courtesy of The lenses can be changed in the frame which is very handy when a client needs more than one colour. The glasses can be ordered through Grove Wellness Clinic, too)

Please contact if you have any further questions.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Holistic Treatment for Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a chronic neurological disorder. It manifests itself in pain, throbbing, a tingling sensation or restlessness in the legs, which disturb sleep. Sometimes, the arms are affected as well. In many cases, the cause of RLS is unknown. The symptoms are less or even have disappeared completely in the morning.
Sufferers feel the need to move their legs. Massages or walking make things better, but will interrupt a good night's rest.
Lack of sleep and therefore exhaustion have a negative effect on daily life and work. Those affected by RLS find it hard to concentrate, are tired most of the time and find it hard to cope during the day. This might even lead to depression.
RLS can be found in people of all ages, even in schoolchildren. However, it is important not to confuse RLS with ADHD, as both can present themselves in severe restlessness and concentration problems.

RLS symptoms are often misinterpreted
Many affected people don't really take the initial symptoms serious and therefore won't see their doctor. On the other hand, a visit to the doctor won't always bring the desired relief. In some cases - depending on the patient's medical history - the symptoms are attributed to a different illness altogether, e.g. arthritis.
Unfortunately, all too often the patient is told that his ailment is down to nervous tension or to an age-related insomnia with muscle cramps.

In most cases, RLS starts in middle-aged people and gets worse with age. There can be weeks or months without any symptoms.

The causes of RLS
Orthodox medicine often sees the causes as follows:
It's in the genes. As so often is the case with chronic diseases, the assumption is that the genes are at fault.
A dopamine imbalance. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain which, among other things, is responsible for effective muscle activity and coordinated movement.
Low iron levels. Chronic diseases, such as arthritis, insufficient kidney function, high blood pressure, degenerative disc diseases, diabetes, polyneuropathy, coeliac disease and also Parkinson's disease can often lead to RLS or manifest themselves in combination with RLS. With the treatment of these illnesses, RLS will get better, too.
Medication. Some drugs can worsen the symptoms of RLS and even trigger it, if there is a certain genetic disposition. Among the pharmaceuticals in questions are: anti-sickness drugs (prochlorperazine or metoclopramide), anti-psychotic drugs (haloperidol or phenothiazine derivatives), antidepressants which increase serotonin levels and also some meds against colds and allergies (antihistamines).
Pregnancy. Especially during the last trimester, RLS can develop which, however, will usually disappear within four weeks after giving birth.
Alcohol and sleep deprivation. Both can trigger RLS. Abstinence and regular sleep will get rid of the symptoms.

The diagnosis of RLS
There is no specific test that can be carried out to clearly diagnose RLS. However, the diagnose is usually based on four criteria. If those are met, RLS will be taken into consideration:
1. The symptoms get worse towards bedtime and are gone or considerably better in the morning.
2. The urge to move one's legs is so strong that it can't be resisted.
3. The more relaxed the sufferer is, the worse the symptoms get.
4. With movement, the symptoms get better, but only as long as the sufferer moves about.

Blood tests might be carried out to check iron levels and other deficiencies (minerals, other vital substances). Neurological tests can reveal if polyneuropathy is causing the symptoms.

Conventional therapy for RLS
As soon as all the tests have been carried out, the doctor will prescribe medication, depending on the results, for example, increase iron levels, adjust blood sugar levels or treat diabetes, change prescription drugs or tell us to stop drinking alcohol.
If no cause could be found, we are told that what we are dealing with is idiopathic or primary RLS, in other words, there is no explanation of what causes your RLS; in orthodox medicine, anyway.
That's when the "big guns" come out. The doctor might prescribe L-Dopa (Levodopa) to increase dopamine levels in the brain or Carbidopa (DDC inhibitors) which inhibits the synthesis of dopamine.
The patient is happy with the prescription, but some patients won't be able to take the meds for as long as it takes to show an effect. They soon suffer from dizziness, low blood pressure, nausea and vomiting. If the sufferer can sit it out, they will indeed feel the benefit of the meds eventually.
Another problem is that the drugs don't have a lasting effect. There is the known problem with "augmentation" which means that the symptoms of RLS will get worse with time, because the medication has stopped working. There is also the possibility that, as a consequence of the medication, the symptoms present themselves during the day instead, which makes driving a vehicle and sitting still at work, in the cinema or theatre difficult.
Other side effects of dopamine inhibitors are sudden psychological and behavioural disorders, such as impulsive or obsessive behavioural patterns (gambling, shopping etc). This makes it necessary to stop taking the meds so that the affected person can recover.
Other possible prescription drugs are: Benzodiazepines which are usually prescribed for anxiety or severe insomnia. Possible side effects are: getting addicted to them or sleep apnoea. Opioids to suppress pain. The side effects are dizziness, nausea, sleep apnoea and risk of addiction.
Anticonvulsants (antiepileptic drugs) can alleviate the tingling sensations in the legs, but at the same time can cause dizziness, fatigue and even ataxia (dysfunctions of coordinated movement).

The holistic treatment of RLS
From a holistic point of view, these four factors are mainly responsible for RLS and should be the main focus for a holistic therapy.

1. Vitamin D deficiency
A vitamin D deficiency is often found in connection with RLS. Scientists have carried out studies which showed that by supplementing vitamin D, the symptoms of RLS could be improved considerably. Therefore, the presumption is that a lack of vitamin D is connected to developing RLS and may also be directly linked to dopamine levels in the brain.
An optimisation of vitamin D levels can increase the dopamine levels in the brain. At the same time, vitamin D protects the dopamine-producing nerve-cells from toxic substances.

2. Chronic inflammation and imbalances in the immune system
Research showed that the symptoms of RLS are worse if the CRP (C-reactive protein) level in the blood is increased. Raised CRP is an indication that a systemic inflammation is affecting the body. A study revealed that an infusion with hydrocortisone, which is an anti-inflammatory drug, alleviated RLS symptoms. Cortisone is very effective when it comes to autoimmune disorders, possibly also an underlying factor in RLS, which can attack the body's own nervous system.
With chronic inflammatory disorders of any kind it is important to adjust daily life accordingly. That means to eat an anti-inflammatory diet (alkaline, nutritious, low in toxins, wholesome, antioxidant, lots of Omega 3 fatty acids with lower Omega 6 intake), low stress levels, regular exercise as well as taking antioxidants as supplements, such as Curcumin, Astaxanthin, OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins, Bioflavonoids) etc. Best to consult a nutritionist.
Also, a leaky gut could be the reason - often caused by an intestinal fungus (Candida), which leads us to ...

3. Disorders of the intestinal flora (dysbiosis)
A study revealed that 69 % of RLS sufferers who took part also suffered from a dysbiosis, compared to only 28 % of the healthy participants. In addition, 28 % of RLS sufferers also presented IBS symptoms, compared to only 4 % of the control subjects.
In a double-blind study, RLS sufferers were given antibiotics which destroyed all intestinal bacteria, but also alleviated the symptoms. Which proves, of course, that there is a connection between the gut flora and RLS. Luckily, research showed that probiotics can have the same positive effect on RLS as antibiotics. probiotics are widely available (e.g. Udo's Choice, Higher Nature).

4. Iron deficiency
We have already mentioned low iron levels earlier in the article. Due to its importance in relation to RLS we should refer to this aspect once more. Iron is mainly connected to the production of blood cells. We all know that a lack of iron can lead to anaemia. It is less known, however, that dopamine needs iron to function properly. Therefore, in case of an iron deficiency, this lack disrupts the function of dopamine in the brain, and RLS (among other ailments) can develop.
This is one of the main reasons why many pregnant women suffer from RLS which slowly disappears again after child-birth. Many women suffer from low iron levels during pregnancy, which usually levels itself out again after the child is born.
Insufficiently functioning kidneys also often lead to an iron deficiency. That's why kidney disease often comes with RLS symptoms.
RLS sufferers who take an iron supplement experience an improvement in most cases. During a study, the participants reported that they could feel the benefits of taking iron within 12 weeks.
Low blood iron levels can, however, be the result of a dysbiosis (disorders of the gut flora), an intestinal infection or other chronic inflammatory processes. Inflammation or dysbiosis can lead to an increase in hepcidin levels. Hepcidin is a hormone which - if there is an excess - lowers iron levels and blocks the re-absorption from the intestinal tract.
Therefore, in the case of a dysbiosis, taking an iron supplement will not have any effect. On the contrary, the situation can get worse because the iron which cannot be re-absorbed will worsen the dysbiosis in the gut. In this case, it is important to restore gut health first and then start iron supplementation.

The holistic approach - the basics
Apart from the above-mentioned measures, also the common basics of healthy living should be included in the therapy for RLS.
1. Stay clear of the usual irritants and neurotoxins, such as caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
2. Optimise your diet, with lots of fresh ingredients, nutritious, alkaline-based, and if necessary, balance any deficiencies with the right supplements (iron, folic acids, magnesium, vitamin B etc).
3. Apart from iron (as explained above), we also should consider magnesium levels. Even if we think that there is no reason for action, it is advisable to take 400 - 500 mg of magnesium (chelated or citrate), best divided into two lots per day.
4. Regular exercise is important (stretching, hiking etc), and so is a regulated sleep-wake-cycle.

Additional holistic measures
There are some more holistic measures that can or should be applied when suffering from RLS:

Using chamomile or lavender oil, added to a good carrier oil, for leg massages or rubs can help to soothe symptoms.

Bathing the feet in Epsom salt, cider vinegar or sodium bicarbonate (in water) before bed-time or iced compresses can also help to lessen the symptoms.

Relaxation therapy should be carried out on a regular basis. Regular massages often help sufferers to feel better.

Acupuncture as well as a chiropractic treatment of the lower back helps many affected patients. A compressed nerve or an imbalance in the lower back can lead to RLS.

There are also some homoeopathic remedies which can help with RLS symptoms, However, it is best to consult an experienced homoeopath to find the suitable remedy.
- Rhus tox (well-matched with RLS symptoms)
- Tarantula hispanica (for very impatient, also angry RLS patients)
- Zincum metallicum (for tired and exhausted patients, where noise, touch and alcohol worsen the symptoms)
- Phosphorous (for insecure patients, where symptoms improve when lying on the right side and who like to drink lots of ice-cold water)
- Magnesia carbonica (for patients whose symptoms get worse with the weather and also while lying in a warm bed)
- Arsenicum album (for patients who don't like being alone, who feel anxious and often suffer from cramps)
- Causticum (for patients who also suffer from rheumatism and have cracking in their knees)

If you have found "your" remedy, take 5 globuli 3 times daily (D12 potency). For best advice, however, please consult a homoeopath.

To increase dopamine levels naturally, the following remedies can be taken: active vitamin B6 (p5p, pyridoxal phosphate), B12 (methylcobalamine), blueberry extract, MSM, the cowhage bean (mucuna pruriens, has been used in ayurvedic medicine for over 4000 years) and the humble beetroot.

Image result for rote beete

Vitamin B complex is known to protect the nerves.

Vitamin C.

Selenium, as it is a trace element which stimulates dopamine production.

Infrared light irradiation.

A Relaxis pad. It is a vibrating pad which you can put under your legs in bed. As soon as the RLS symptoms set in, you can switch on the pad. Its vibration counter-act the symptoms, which can lead to an improvement of RLS and ultimately to a better sleep.

KPU (kryptopyrroluria) - as in any chronic disease, KPU is a possible factor in RLS and should be ruled out. In the case of testing positive for KPU, the suitable vital substances should be given as required. More information on KPU at

No matter which measures you decide on, please discuss their implementation with your health professional.

(source: zentrum der gesundheit)

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Helping the Pancreas

Problems with the pancreas must be taken seriously. Diseases of this organ can have serious consequences and might even result in the very often fatal pancreatic cancer. This endocrine gland produces around two litres of pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes without which our digestion would not function. We would not be able to survive.

The most important pancreatic enzymes are the lipases which are necessary for digesting fats, the amylases for digesting carbohydrates and the proteases for splitting up protein. Without those, our body is not able to process food. The most common cause for a diseased pancreas is the regular consumption of alcohol. Ingesting more than 40 grams (men) or 20 grams (women) of pure alcohol per day is far too much. Cut down on alcohol and make sure that you have 7 to 10 "dry" days per month to give your pancreas some respite.

The pancreas has another vital task: the production of insulin and the hormone glucagon which regulate blood sugar levels. If there is a problem, we might develop diabetes.
The symptoms of a diseased pancreas are: severe tummy aches, diarrhoea and painful bloating. Also, an intolerance to fatty food, beans and peas as well as cabbage is very common.

It is essential to see your doctor, but there is also help from nature to support the therapy. Medicinal mushrooms (Maitake, Coprinus) are a valuable support to restore pancreas function.
Image result for Maitake pilzImage result for coprinus pilz

Take a bath - mix 30 grams each of dried peppermint and chamomile. Pour boiling water over the dried herbs, allow them to infuse for 10 minutes and add the tincture to the bath water. Bathe for about 15 minutes. After that, dry yourself and massage your abdomen (upper and lower) with wheat germ oil, olive oil or chamomile oil. Rest in bed for an hour. Repeat this procedure daily.

Beetroot is very beneficial for an inflamed pancreas. Eat 200 grams of cooked beetroot every day for two weeks. If this is too much hassle, drink 100 ml fresh beetroot juice instead.

For those who like to prepare their own tea - mix in equal parts: arnica root, peppermint, birch leaves, yarrow, chamomile and valerian. Add a teaspoon of the tea mix to 250 ml water and bring to the boil. When you see the bubbles, take the pan off the heat, cover and let the tea rest for 15 minutes. Drink the tea slowly and without sugar before each meal.

The benefit of essential oils - to help the pancreas, add 3 to 5 drops of lemon oil to two tablespoons of lukewarm water, sweeten with honey and drink this mix several times a day.
Massage the area above the pancreas, slightly below the left rib-cage, with lavender oil.


Use linseed oil for cooking. Its content of Omega 3 fatty acids has a detoxing and anti-inflammatory effect.

If you are intolerant or allergic to any of these remedies, please don't use them!

Saturday, 27 August 2016

The Benefits of Honeyed Water

We have all heard of the benefits of honey, but do you know how honey can really boost your well-being? If you drink a glass of warm honeyed water daily, the results will surprise you.
In ancient Egypt, honey was used as a natural remedy. The "food of the Gods" was not only used for treating wounds, but also as a diuretic and a laxative. Also in ancient Greece, the golden aliment was held in high esteem. Athletes used to drink honeyed water as a "performance enhancer" ahead of the Olympic Games, and also for a more speedy recovery afterwards.

Honey is a superb super-food and has many positive effects on our bodies. Just one glass of warm honeyed water daily makes a big difference already.
Honeyed water (1 teaspoon to a glass of warm water) is a great all-rounder which can have many positive effects on your health and beauty.


A strong immune system
Scientific research has shown that honey has antibiotic properties and is therefore a good support for our immune system. Besides, it contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes. The osmotic effect is responsible for harmful bacteria in our bodies being killed when coming in direct contact with honey. Thanks to its high sugar content, water is withdrawn from the bacteria so that the harmful bacteria will simply die.

Detox for the body
We all absorb toxins with our food and often also with the consumption of alcohol, medication and from other sources, which are deposited in our organs, such as intestines and liver. Drinking honeyed water helps to rid the body of these toxins. If you add some lemon juice, the detox process will be enhanced.

Good for the skin
Apart from helping to detox the body, honey has a positive effect on the skin. Its antibacterial properties support cell renewal and make your skin look better. Honey can be used as an indulgent facial mask.

Reduces sugar cravings
The first thing that springs to mind is the high sugar content of honey. Of course, honey contains sugar, but it is completely different from its industrial form. The natural sugar in honey helps us to crave less of the unhealthy kind.

Relieves a sore throat
Warm honeyed water soothes a sore throat. Its antibiotic properties heal infections of the respiratory system and also help to reduce coughing.

Lowers bad cholesterol
Due to its high content of antioxidants, honeyed water can help lower bad cholesterol and to reduce harmful deposits on your body's blood vessel walls.

Lessens the risk of heart disease
Once again, it is the antioxidants in honey which protect your heart. If your cholesterol levels are fine, the risk of strokes and heart attacks are reduced.

(source: lebe-liebe-lache/Germany)

Monday, 15 August 2016

"Transform" Intuitive Coaching

Today, I wanted to explain the term "Transform" Intuitive Coaching which I offer to help clients in different aspects of their lives. It simply is a combination of different approaches to discover where there are possible blocks on the path of life and where they come from. To achieve this, we use different methods - most importantly, methods the client feels comfortable with. Elements from "conventional" coaching, past life regression, psychological kinesiology (Klinghardt method) and readings using tarot cards, all those can be combined to reveal where the blocks on the path of life are and bring valuable insight.
Several years ago, when I still lived and practised in Munich/Germany, a lovely young lady came to me for advice. She was working for a temp agency to earn a living. However, she was amazingly gifted and in her free time she tailored the most beautiful ladies' gowns. Unfortunately, what she was earning with her dress-making was not enough to make a living, and she also lacked confidence to take the leap into self-employment. I asked her if she had ever looked into Colour Consulting (enhancing the personal image with colours). Colour Consulting was relatively new then and not many people knew about it. The young lady was intrigued by what I told her about it and said she would definitely look into it. She was so taken by the idea that she booked a course shortly after our talk. To make a long, happy story short, her business took off and soon she was creating her own designer brand. As she was a practising Christian, her website slogan was "God wants you to be beautiful", which attracted mainly lady clients from the Christian community (a fantastic USP :) ...)

Another example is the case of a lady client who was very unhappy and felt stuck. She was working at a renowned racing stable and the stress and "level of testosterone" (her own words) made it hard to cope. When I regressed her into past lives, there were always horses around her, and the last picture she had was that horses were lying down around her to form a circle, with her in the centre. So we knew that horses were important in her life, but the circumstances needed changing. The circle of horses was clearly a clue, so we talked about working with horses as a therapy for children and young adults with behavioural problems and learning difficulties. She loved the idea, and the path was clear again.

If you would like to know more about Intuitive Coaching, please feel free to get in touch

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Last week, one of my clients came to see me for his monthly back massage and told me that he has been diagnosed with kidney stones by his GP. He asked me if I know of a “cure” to get rid of them.

Firstly, what are we dealing with? Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) are stone-like deposits in one or both kidneys, caused by increased calcium concentration and other minerals which accumulate into lumps. These lumps can be very small (kidney gravel), but can also grow quite big (2-3 cm in diameter).  The trouble begins when they get stuck and block a ureter and fluid backs up into the kidney. This can cause severe and sudden pain. An operation to remove the stones or shattering them with ultrasound are possible procedures.
But what else can help to get rid of them?
Grandma’s old and natural home remedies for kidney stones soothe the pain and can dissolve and remove smaller stones without the need to operate.

Causes and Symptoms

Kidney stones are caused by an imbalance of minerals in the urine. Mineral compounds like pyrophosphate, citrate and magnesium begin to crystallize due to high concentration and form lumps in the kidneys.
The most common cause for kidney stones is a lack of fluid in the body, i.e. dehydration by not drinking enough water.
Moreover, a diet rich in sodium, proteins and calcium oxalate increases the risk of developing kidney stones.
The chance of developing kidney stones increases from the age of 35. Men are at risk three times more than women.

These factors can abet the risk, too:
High blood pressure
Chronic intestinal disease
Urinary tract infection
Kidney diseases
Genetic disposition
Medication (antacids, diuretics etc.)

Most common symptoms for kidney stones:
Sudden, severe pain in the back, around the kidney area.
Pain in the abdomen
Pain in the groin
Blood in urine
Urine is cloudy or smelly
The need to pee often

The pain can radiate from the kidney area down into the groin and the legs.
If you experience severe pain, you must see a doctor or go to A&E, especially when you have a temperature (a sign of infection which can be life-threatening!)

Kidney Stones caused by the wrong diet: Calcium Oxalate

When we pee, calcium and other minerals are being excreted by the body. Kidney stones can develop if the concentration of those minerals in the urine is too high, which leads to a crystallization process.

The diet plays an important role when it comes to kidney stones. Calcium oxalate is one of the main components in kidney stones. Avoiding foods rich in oxalate can help prevent kidney stones.

Foods to avoid:
Nuts (mainly almonds, cashews and peanuts)
Beans and Soy beans
Black tea

Natural remedies for kidney stones

Flushing out kidney stones with lemon juice and olive oil:
One of the best home remedies to remove kidney stones without surgery is a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil. The citric acid contained in lemons breaks down the calcium in the stones and so slowly dissolves them. Olive oil helps to flush out the fragments from the kidney.
Drink half a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice with ¼ cup olive oil three times a day. Drink 2 glasses of still water afterwards.

Within a week you are likely to notice fragments of the stones in the urine. After one week, stop the procedure for 3-4 days and then repeat until the urine is free of fragments.

Dissolving kidney stones with cider vinegar:
Cider vinegar is a natural remedy to dissolve kidney stones. It is not only good for general health, but also supports kidney function, which encourages the kidneys to flush out the softened stones and kidney gravel.
Drink a glass of warm water with two tablespoons cider vinegar, 4 times a day. You can add a little runny honey to sweeten the tincture.

Remove kidney stones naturally with pomegranate:
The seeds and juice of pomegranates can help to remove smaller stones from the kidneys.
Image result for Granatapfel

Eat one pomegranate per day and drink at least one glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice to treat nephrolithiasis.

Flush the kidneys with stinging nettles:
Stinging nettles enhance the water excretion abilities of the kidneys and so promote the natural excretion of kidney gravel and stones.
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To prepare a tea, use two teaspoons of dried stinging nettles in a cup of hot water. Infuse for 10 minutes and then strain.
Drink three cups per day for several weeks.

Treat acute pain caused by kidney stones with basil:
Pain caused by kidney stones can easily be soothed with the home remedy basil. Basil has pain-relieving properties and can relax the urinary tract so that stones can pass easier.
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Puree a handful of fresh basil leaves with a teaspoon of honey. Take on an empty stomach daily until the stones have passed.
Acute pain can be treated with basil tea. Add a dozen chopped-up basil leaves to a cup of hot water. Infuse for 10 minutes and then drink with honey.

Cleanse the kidneys with watermelon seeds:
Watermelon Seeds can help to prevent kidney stones and other deposits by increasing the production of urine and so simply flushing out smaller solid bodies.
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Crush a teaspoon of watermelon seeds and add them to a cup of hot water. Infuse for 15 minutes, strain and drink with some honey. Drink 2 to 3 cups per day for several weeks.

Soothe kidney pain with celeriac:
Fresh celeriac juice can soothe pains caused by kidney stones. It can ease cramps and improves secretion of fluids through the kidneys as it is a natural diuretic.
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Cure nephrolithiasis with white radish:
White radish (Mooli, Radish Daikon) – a staple food in my native Bavaria - is a superb medicinal plant used to treat kidney stones and other problems with the urinary tract. It helps to flush out waste products from the body and so removes smaller kidney stones dissolved by the radish.
You either eat a whole radish a day or juice it together with the leaves.

Parsley against kidney stones:
A strong parsley infusion is an ancient home remedy to treat kidney stones.
Use 2 teaspoons of dried parsley in a cup of hot water. Strain after 10 minutes and drink. The recommendation is 3 cups a day.

How to prevent kidney stones:
Drink lots of water – it increases urine output from the kidneys and prevents the formation of stones. Also, smaller stones and gravel will be flushed out more easily. 2-3 litres of water would be ideal. In summer, when it’s hot, even a bit more.

Magnesium can help to prevent kidney stones by binding oxalate in the body. Good sources of magnesium are fish, rice, avocados and many other vegetables. A magnesium supplement can be useful to prevent the further growth of already existing stones.

Avoid salt – certain kidney stones can be caused by too much salt (sodium chloride) in the diet. Too much sodium can trigger the excretion of calcium from the body, which will then form lumps in the kidneys. Therefore, avoid salt and food rich in sodium, such as salty snacks and ready meals. Use rock salt, crystal salt or sea salt instead.

What else can be done to avoid kidney stones?

Vitamin A is a valuable support for the kidneys during and after the treatment for kidney stones. It supports the regeneration of all damaged tissue which has been affected by the stones. Good sources for Vitamin A are pumpkins, apricots, broccoli and melons.

Kidney Stones can also be caused by a very high amount of animal products in the daily diet. Animal protein increases the concentration of uric acid in the kidneys, which can cause calcium and phosphate to crystallize and so form stones much quicker.  If you are prone to kidney stones, replace animal products with plant-based foods whenever possible.

Please be patient. The home remedies as mentioned in this article will help with the treatment of kidney stones but it will take several weeks to work.

(Source:, Michael Rees)