Friday, 24 December 2010

How to lower 'bad' cholesterol naturally

It is a fact that high levels of LDL cholesterol can be responsible for arteriosclerosis which often leads to heart attacks and strokes.
For many, the only solution seems to be taking "Statins". However, those have a number of serious side effects, such as nausea, diarrhoea, vitamin deficiencies, flatulence, increased risk of bleeding, inability to produce blood, excema, joint and back pain, impotence, impaired vision, inflammation of liver and pancreas, muscle damage etc etc.
The Society for Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics in Bad Aachen/Germany has issued a statement that certain food can lower bad cholesterol substantially.

- Plantago ovata (dietary fibre, psyllium) absorbs cholesterol in the intestinal tract and helps to dispose of it in a "natural" way.
- Oat bran - boosts the production of bile in the liver, which forces the organism to use up LDL cholesterol.
- Inulin is a natural dietary fibre to lower cholesterol and has a similiar effect as oat bran. It can be found in chicoree, onions, garlic, asparagus, artichokes and topinambur. If you suffer from a coagulation disorder (increased tendency for bleeding), stay clear of garlic!

- Further beneficial food are apples, olive oil, nuts (walnuts have the most benefits when it comes to lowering bad cholesterol), celeriac, soya products.
- There are some supplements you might want to try: Niacin (Vit B3) - 1.5 mg per day. Vitamin C - 200 to 500 mg per day together with Vitamin E (70 to 140 mg per day.

Moreoever, half an hour exercise a day - going for a walk, power walking, swimming, gardening and cycling can boost the cholesterol-lowering effects of your new diet even more.

If you have been prescribed Statins and want to come off them, please don't do this without consulting your GP!

Thursday, 23 December 2010

First Aid for the Feast

Indulging over Christmas is a must! But suffering is not... Milk Thistle is a fantastic protection for the liver. So, before you enjoy your festive tipple, take milk thistle (e.g. Milk Thistle Complex by Dr. Vogel). This can help to avoid the dreaded hangover the next day.
The homoeopathic remedy Nux Vomica can help with the aftermath of over-eating. Bloatedness, heart burn and indigestion can be avoided when Nux Vom is taken before a big meal.

Have a wonderful Christmas! Ho Ho Ho

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

An Advent Poem

"Sentimental moments are part of Advent,
when we wish, remember, yearn;
but look - the lights of Advent,
they always shine,
as we all can light a candle
(from the Seelenfarben Advent Calender)

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Thought for the Day

"Look to this day, for it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course lie all the realities of existence.
The joy of growth,
The splendour of action,
The glory of power.
For yesterday is but a memory,
And tomorrow is only a vision.
But today well lived makes every yesterday a memory of happiness,
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day."
(Sanskrit poem)

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Stressed about Christmas?

Irisflora Essence "Frauenschuh" (lady's slipper orchid, cypripedium calceolus) - This essence is a balm for the nerves of all those who are exposed to excessive stress - be it at work, or within the family. Children, too, are nowadays often stressed by stimulus satiation and the high demands at school. This esse...nce can give us inner balance and eases stress-related ailments such as sleeping problems, muscle tension and headaches.

Irisflora Essence "Loewenzahn" (dandelion, taraxacum officinalis) - This essence can help to get rid of tensions on a physical as well as an emotional level: muscles will relax, stress will lessen; overambitious types will learn to let go for once and to concentrate on their emotional needs, instead of constantly... submit themselves to pursuit of success. Besides, this essence can be used as "rescue drops".

Yggdrasil Flower Essence "Echte Kamille" (chamomile, matricaria chamomilla) - This essence supports and enhances our self-healing powers, whenever we are exposed to major emotional stress, strains and injuries and have the feeling that we cannot cope anymore. Whenever we need rest, seclusion and inner strength to... recover emotionally and to regain balance - this essence made from chamomile flowers is the right choice.

Flower Essence "Rescue Remedy" - Bach Flower Remedy - This first aid remedy for states of shock, accidents, injuries and crises of all kinds is a mixture of the following essences: Star of Bethlehem for shock, Clematis for fainting, Rock Rose for panic, Impatiens for stress and inner tension and Che...rry Plum to help keeping control over oneself. It can be given to patients to bridge the time until the doctor or ambulance arrives. It can be given orally or - in case the patient is unconscious - it can be applied on the temples or wrists. Moreover, it also can help over the little moments of shock in everyday life - e.g. a quarrel, a stressful situation, a visit to the dentist or a test. The Rescue drops have a quicker effect than the other Bach Flower Remedies. There is also a Rescue Cream which helps with smaller injuries, eczema, insect bites and sunburn.