Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Positive testimonial from a lovely client :)

"Dear Monika,
I just wanted to let you know how much your treatments and advice have helped me come back to full strength. Now that I know that I am suffering with candida, and have taken steps toward eradicating it, I have so much more energy, fewer migraines, and my skin is much more healthy and less itchy with fewer outbreaks. I have also been avoiding wheat entirely and my havfever and asthma is almost non-existent now.

I am struggling through the candida die-off at the moment but it is worth it. I just felt the last day or so that I had a slight fever and runny nose, with mucous even in my lacrimal ducts, but I already feel more energetic and I have lost some of those stubborn bits around my hips that never seemed to budge, even with all the exercise and healthy eating!

Monday, 27 September 2010

Broken Heart-Ache

If you are a woman aged between 50 and 70 years and you experience a "pulling" pain in your chest, in the neck and in the left arm, together with shortness of breath, nausea and sweating - this can often lead to the feeling that a heart attack might be imminent and you should certainly seek medical adivce. However, these symptoms can also be a sign of the so-called "broken heart syndrome" - a disease which has been known only since the early 1990s and which can be triggered by extreme stress or emotional trauma, for example separation from a partner or the death of a close friend or relative. Researchers have found that the symptoms appear in 90 per cent of all cases in women between 50 and 70 years of age. Professor K.H. Gluck, cardiologist at the Heart Centre Hamburg, explains that the cause is a lack of oestrogene after the menopause, which can lead to an increased mobilisation of the sympathetic nervous system. In extreme situations, the kidneys excrete too many stress hormones which inhibit the movement of the lower part of the left heart ventricle and even paralyses it. The positive side of this syndrome is that the cardial dysfunction is over after a few days, in most cases.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Today's Thought...

"When you come to a wall, you can either climb it or you can simply walk around until you find a door. Don't make life so hard, - look for the doors!" - simples!

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

During the past few years, there has been a lot of advertising for "pro-biotic" yoghurts and yoghurt drinks which are supposed to improve digestion and support the immune system. Scientists at the University in Vienna/Austria wanted to find out what's behind all this and carried out tests to compare the effects of pro-biotic products with normal,  natural "life" yoghurt. The tests were carried out with a group of women. Half of the women had one or two portions of the more expensive, pro-biotic yoghurt every day, over a period of one month. The other half ate normal yoghurt. When the month was over, the researchers analysed certain immune system parameters of the participating women and found that both varieties of yoghurt had influenced the immune defense in a positive way. There was no significant difference in the effect of the two varieties, so there is no reason to buy the more expensive pro-biotic yoghurts, most of which contain sugar. Sugar can aid the growth of Candida, an intestinal fungus which can cause all sorts of problems.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Vitamin D(ementia)

According to a study carried out with the help of 850 older people over a period of 8 years by researchers at the Peninsula Medical School, the onset of dementia can be linked with low levels of Vitamin D. The tests revealed that those participants whose blood samples contained 70 % less Vitamin D than normal were by 60 % more likely to develop dementia. A good source of Vitamin D is fish, however, it is important to make sure that it comes from a reliable source, due to possible high levels of toxins in some kinds of fish (for further info, here is an interesting link: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/02/030210080251.htm )
Our bodies are able to produce Vitamin D, but to do so it is essential to get as much natural light as possible. Therefore, it is important to get as much daylight as possible and to eat a balanced diet. A good Vitamin-D supplement can help, too.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Today's Thought...

"Begin your day by feeling grateful. Be grateful for the bed you just slept in, the roof over your head, the carpet or floor under your feet, the running water, the soap, your shower, your toothbrush, your clothes, your shoes, the refrigerator that keeps your food cold, the car that you drive, your job, your friends. Be grateful for the stores that make it so easy to buy the things you need, the restaurants, the utilities, services, and electrical appliances that make your life effortless. Be grateful for the magazines and the books that you read. Be grateful for the chair that you sit on, and the pavement that you walk on. Be grateful for the weather, the sun, the sky, the birds, the trees, the grass, the rain, and the flowers.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Rhonda Byrne