Sunday, 8 May 2022


A wonderful Sunday afternoon, my dear friends!

How are you? Just stop for a moment and check in on yourselves – how are you feeling? Is there something troubling you at the moment?

Have you thought about taking a holistic approach to something that is troubling you?

The present energies gently remind us that the body is a miracle which possesses the amazing ability to heal itself and that there are lots of alternatives to Western medicine. Although alternative therapies do in no way always replace the conventional approach, the holistic approach to health does support our bodies’ healing processes and shows us ways to care for ourselves in natural ways. A good start is to get plenty of fresh air, drink a healthy amount of fresh, still water and eat a good, healthy diet (preferably foods that suit your blood type). An experienced therapist, counsellor or even a good self-help book can give us much-needed support.

The fairy in the card at the top uses magic to mend her friend’s wing in the gentle light of the Moon to heal and prepare her for the exciting changes that lie ahead. The dawn is imminent, and the stars are watching from above and reassure us that we are never alone. They also remind us to view things from a higher vantage point.

The present energies are favourable to forgive ourselves and others. Instead of blaming ourselves and others that have wronged us, it is a good time to forgive and to draw a line under the past, where we think we have done wrong. It is very rare that we deliberately choose to do something wrong. We always tend to do what we think is the right choice at the time. Only afterwards, we realise that we might have done better or walked a different path in life. We always get the chance to say sorry to those we may have hurt and to change our direction. Life always gives us second chances.

We are lovingly reminded that, before we can move forward, it is important for us to accept where we are now. This is a time where we are supported to tie up loose ends as we are nearing the completion of a cycle or project (that’s the new dawn augured in the card with the fairies). It is much more difficult, if not impossible, to move forward if we are leaving things unfinished. This means to reflect on what has passed and to accept matters as they are. So, let’s close that door, write that letter, make that call and make amends if need be so we are feeling refreshed and excited about the future. Hope is a crucial ingredient for success in life.

Dagaz (the rune) wants to remind us that darkness is always followed by dawn! We are encouraged and supported to continue on our paths to self-improvement, self-care and to think and act positively.


Finally, let’s take a look at the charms. The skull stands for the letting go of the “old” so that we make space for the “new”. The ballet shoes encourage us to take a more light-hearted approach to any challenges. The swan stands for devotion and grace. The butterfly heralds transformation, change, hope and encourages us to make the best out of each day. The crab wants to help us to set boundaries for ourselves and to teach others how to treat us. The winged pig indicates that we can achieve whatever we want. Anything is possible! And last but not least, the bird encourages us to see things from a higher perspective and wants to bring us hope and enlightenment.


“Some important lessons to take with you this week: Let people be where they are and leave them there if you have to. Learn to accept situations for exactly what they are and stop putting so much energy into what you don’t have control over. And not every action needs a reaction. Oh, and one more – keep it up! You’re doing an amazing job looking out for yourself.”

-          Carrie (MySweetAddiction)


Sending you all so much love,

Mon and Max



Monday, 2 May 2022

Oracle Reading May 1st, 2022


Dear friends,

A happy Sunday and happy 1st Day of May, and for those who celebrate the festival of fire and fertility - Beltane blessings! 

“Great Earth Mother!
We give you praise today
and ask for your blessing upon us.
As seeds spring forth
and grass grows green
and winds blow gently
and the rivers flow
and the sun shines down
upon our land,
we offer thanks to you for your blessings
and your gifts of life each Spring.”

Once again, the present energies gently remind us that there is a gift, a blessing in every seemingly adverse situation. And, once again, we are assured that we are not alone. Whether we need encouragement, support or advice, we can always ask for help from those around us. Friends, family or even an experienced therapist will be happy to help and support us in our times of need, when things look bleak and hopeless. Some of us will find solace and support in their belief in a higher power, in their prayers and religion. The card at the top symbolises beautifully in its images that, although things may appear dark, there is a glow and light emanating from everything. This card comes as a reassurance that hope, light and help is coming from everywhere around us. All we are asked to do is to be open and to receive. We can’t change what happens in the World, where there are far bigger forces are at work, but we can change the world around us by adjusting ourselves to the frequency of love and compassion. A small drop can change the ocean!

Often, the cause of our anguish and pain is caused by our ego, the constant chatter in our brain. The present energies lovingly encourage us to stop torturing ourselves with problems and negative thoughts, to simply accept what is and what we cannot change and to focus on the positive, to surround ourselves with people who can help us to find our joy for life.

Sometimes, at a certain point in our lives, it will be necessary to change our direction. Whether it is leaving a job that no longer satisfies us, a relationship that has run its course, patterns of behaviour that are not healthy and for our highest good – we are supported and assured that everything will be okay, and that we can weather any storm. Of course, it also helps to ask for a little help from Spirit. For example, next time you’re out and about in nature, sit quietly in a peaceful place, become still and relax your mind and ask for guidance and advice. You can ask your angels, guides or loved ones in Spirit and notice what messages come to you. Be patient. The messages can come through a bird, a butterfly or bumblebee, a feather suddenly appearing from apparently nowhere, song lyrics that touch your heart, or the proverbial penny from Heaven … the possibilities are endless.

Although it might not seem that way, but we find ourselves in a time of profound healing processes. Wounds from broken relationships, people or traumatic situations, old shame or guilt are now dissolving. A powerful healing is happening for us right now. Trust and have faith!


The charms also reflect the message of this week’s reading. The angel and the stag symbolise spiritual enlightenment, protection and guidance. The feather stands for messages from Spirit. The star gives us faith and hope and reassurance that we are never alone. The dolphin wants to connect us with our inner child and encourage us to be playful and joyful in our connection with the spirit world, our guides and divine helpers. The pawprint encourages us to trust our intuition and our senses and to follow our instinct. The ship’s steering wheel reminds us that we all are trying our best to find our way through the rough seas of life. No-one is exempt; we all must choose a path through unseen dangers and mighty forces out of our control. Therefore, we are asked to meet others with compassion and understanding. The snowflake stands for transformation and new beginnings, the resilience and power of renewal of all living things. 

“I know what it feels like to be completely destroyed, and to build everything once again. It takes courage and resilience. But this is it. You may never get over what happened to you, but you can move on from it. The decision is yours.”

-          Mahida Batool


Sending you all so much love,

Mon and Max 💖💝