Saturday, 12 October 2019

Treatment of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome - Case Study

A few weeks ago, a lady booked an appointment with me as she was having pains in her shoulder. She had been diagnosed with shoulder impingement syndrome by her GP who prescribed painkillers and showed her some exercises to do.
With impingement syndrome, pain is persistent and affects everyday activities. Reaching up behind the back or up overhead to put on a coat or a top are likely to cause pain. If untreated, impingement syndrome can lead to inflammation of the tendons and to bursitis. The tendons could even start to thin and tear.

Anyway, her shoulder wasn't getting any better so she decided to try acupuncture.
During her first treatment session, I gently inserted two acupuncture needles in the shoulder area, one in her right hand and one on her right foot, and, while the needles were doing their job, I gave her reflexology treatment.
I asked her not to carry any heavy bags, especially straps over her shoulders and showed her some gentle stretching exercises for her shoulder.

At the second treatment session, about 2 weeks later, she reported that the shoulder initially got a bit worse after the first treatment, but then began to improve. As she was in the midst of moving house, she had to carry heavy stuff so she couldn't "rest" her shoulder as would have been advisable. We repeated the treatment routine and she assured me that now she would be able to look after her shoulder much better.

She booked a third session in another two weeks, and when I saw her she reported that the shoulder had been much better and still hurt only a little bit. Again, we repeated the routine (acupuncture and reflexology). During the treatment she was, for the first time, very relaxed and at the end of the session she said that her shoulder felt so much better right away.

She has booked a follow-up session in three weeks to see how her shoulder has improved. I will keep you posted.

For more information, please get in touch - or call my mobile on 07742 982757.
(picture courtesy bing)