Recently, I came across this text (in German) which I wanted
to share with you. I find that there is so much truth in it, and whatever your
religious preference is, I hope you like it, too.
Here goes:
“The light which you are looking for in your life is
within you.
How can you find it? You can find it when you focus on
the energy of love, on hope, on joy.
But what do you do so often? Most probably, you know the
answer already.
You focus on problems, and there are truly plenty.
Therefore, you think that time is never enough to solve your many problems. You
are so entangled in these thoughts that you forget how to laugh, that you go to
bed at night with a heavy head and hardly find any sleep. And in the morning,
you get up and the first thing to greet you are your troubles.
You feel stuck in a hamster wheel. How come? Is life
unfair? Do I perhaps want to test you by putting these obstacles in your way? I
now tell you the truth: you have created all this by yourself.
“Are you saying I have created this whole chaos myself?
No way! I am constantly reaching for peace. I do everything and all I can. I am
there for everyone, but all they do is take advantage.”
These or similar are your words, perhaps. And yet I am
telling you: you and no-one else is responsible for this chaos.
I am going to show you the way out, and I am sure you
will be shocked, as you expected something completely different from your God.
The solution is: think of yourself more often. Become
more selfish.
“What? God is saying I should be more selfish? That can’t
be, as God wants me to be there for others, that I practice charity and love my
brothers and sisters, and even perhaps to sacrifice myself for others. And that’s
what I do!”
Well, you can do that, if you think it makes sense. But
have you ever really helped anyone by doing so? Have you ever really received a
thank you? Or did the cold breath of hell blow in your face? Were you kicked in
the face for your help? Did you get thrown to the ground and were left there
for a long time?
You know the answer; I know it, too, because I know your
life. And I tell you: finally put an end to it, stop sacrificing yourself. And
begin to love.
What is the difference? Love sets you free. Love only
helps to such extent that it won’t snatch away personal initiative from others.
Because if you do that, if you interfere with other people’s lives, you shall
reap storm. Keep out of the lives of others!
Helping others doesn’t mean taking control of or to
dictate another person’s life. But often that’s exactly what you do and call it
charity. In truth, it’s the complete opposite and you can really cause a lot of
damage. But perhaps you have already noticed it. Because a person, whose own
decisions are blocked by you, will defend themselves. Always. Even if you
actually only want their “best”. Let me tell you this: you are always likely to
start wanting to help others, when actually you are pretty down yourself.
Unfortunately, that’s not a good way to master life.
Once you start thinking about yourself more often, you
won’t meet much approval for it at first. Many people will turn away from you. It
is those who were using you; those who perhaps only needed a shoulder to cry
on, who took their frustration out on you. You mustn’t be sad when you see the
true face of a person. Perhaps, you will be shocked at first, but with time it
will liberate you!
By doing so, you will gain more strength. Because I know
that many of you constantly feel tired and exhausted. Well, how come? Do you
know the answer? You wear yourself out for others. Your energy is constantly flowing
to other people; that can never end well. Many of you like to talk about others
who are not present. By doing so, you give away your energy and it is obvious
how your energy is getting weaker and weaker. Keep your energy to yourself.
Take my words seriously, but go a bit easier on life,
Unfortunately, I don't know who shared those words. So, thank you to Anon.
Find the light within you, see the beautiful things around you and care for Number 1 - yourself!