Thursday, 13 March 2014

Culprit Candidosis

A young man in his mid 30s came to see me a few months ago. He had been suffering from pain that “wandered about” in his body and he was feeling tired and run down.  The pain peaked once or twice a month, which impacted on his family life and his job. He was ultimately diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by his GP and given little hope for improvement.

A kinesiology test revealed that he was suffering from a Candidosis (an overgrowth of Candida fungus in his intestines) and wheat intolerance. He also had acupuncture treatment as part of his treatment.
After the first session he changed his diet by cutting out sugar, wheat and starches as well as yeast as much as possible. He also agreed to take a kelp supplement as his thyroid was a bit sluggish as well as Vitamin C to help his immune system a bit.
After 4 weeks (with 1 session per week) he was still pain-free and felt completely “normal” again.
He booked another session for 2 weeks later, and when he came for his treatment he reported that he had had a milder bout a few days before. When I asked him if he’d eaten or drunk something out of the ordinary he confessed that a colleague had brought in some cake to work and he had “lots of it”. Two days after indulging in cake he was feeling the pains again and was feeling very tired and exhausted. The sugar, flour and yeast in the cake made the Candidosis flare up and brought back the symptoms. He had some more acupuncture treatment to help his body recover and I recommended taking acidophilus to feed the good bacteria in his intestinal tract.

Here is an interesting website with more info on Candidosis: