Friday, 19 July 2013

"Letting Go"

Somebody posted this wonderful poem on a German facebook page the other day. Unfortunately, I didn''t get their name, but I took the freedom to translate it to be able to share it with my English-speaking friends.

"Letting Go
Sooner or later you’ll get to a point when you realize that you don’t need to struggle anymore, because it won’t take you any further.
You understand that there is nothing more you can or must do.
You can’t force anything; if you understand that, at first everything will collapse back upon itself, and then there is silence.
And then, suddenly, there will be lightness and quiet within you.
You begin to let go of everything you were holding on to, of hopes, people, things from your past, which you didn’t want to, or couldn’t accept the way they were.
You understand that you can’t change it any more, no matter how much you believe in it, no matter how much you wish for it to happen. No matter how much you fight for it. No matter how much it hurts.
What must be, will be. Whatever wants to happen, will happen. What is supposed to be with you will stay or will go of its own free will.
Sooner or later the pain and fear of letting go will be over.
This is when you will gradually liberate yourself from fears, feelings of guilt and constraints – from everything that holds YOU back.
And you go your way; you pack your suitcase with what’s left: a suitcase full of experience, insight and memories.
Your path lies ahead, you don’t see it yet, but you feel the time has come.
You start again – with the first step!"

Namaste x