Sunday, 24 February 2013

"To Be Strong And Weak"

"To be strong and weak,
both need space,
both belong to you.

Who chooses to be only strong
will never experience
how uplifting it is
to be comforted by the closeness
of a friend,
to be held by reliable words.

Who chooses to be only weak
will never experience
how invigorating it is
to be carried by their own feet,
to find trust
in their own strength."

(A.S. Naegli - You Are Not Alone)

Saturday, 16 February 2013

A New Mother's Testimonial

"I first heard of Monika Becker from my friend who had previously gone to Monika for the same reason; to help us get pregnant and keep the baby full term.  My first, a son was conceived the very first month we started trying to get pregnant, had a wonderful pregnancy and labour was perfect.  However, when I wanted to started trying for the second baby, about a year and a half later, it was a different story.  It took three years and three miscarriages (I would lose the baby in the 9th or 10th week), with lots of emotional, physical and marital stress, pain and difficulty.  That is why through speaking with my friend after my second miscarriage that she recommended me to Monika Becker. 
I went to Monika soon after my second miscarriage in the beginning of 2011.  I was going once a week for an hour for about three months when I got pregnant.  I could not believe it happened so fast.  I prepared myself for it taking up to six months before I fell pregnant again.  Now the challenge was to keep the baby.  So until I reached the first trimester, every day and every week was journey of waiting, hoping, praying, trying to relax, thinking positive and coming to Monika for an hour of pure relaxation, luxury, pampering, and therapy (she is a great listener).   So while I got acupuncture I was also getting my feet massaged – reflexology, which made you forget completely about the needles she has just poked your body with, which must make you look like a pin cushion.  Plus she has soft relaxing music and incense going on in the background all setting the atmosphere of complete and utter peace, relaxation, harmony, rest and tranquillity. 
I continued going to Monika up to about the 20th week, once I was quite sure this baby was here to stay.  I did return to see her at 34 weeks and 36 weeks, because my baby was breached I was hoping Monika could do something to help her move head down and of course engage.  Unfortunately, it was not meant to be.  A planned caesarean was scheduled for me on Tuesday, 20 March.  However, my waters broke the night before and I had to have an emergency caesarean at the John Radcliffe Hospital.  My baby girl, Athena Conception, entered the world on Monday, 19th March.  She is now 10 months, a beautiful, smiley, happy, strong, energetic and noisy baby girl.  We are all looking forward to her 1st birthday, especially her big brother who adores her.  Thank you Monika for helping me achieve one of my life’s dream; to have at least two happy and healthy children – one boy and one girl. 
I am going to take Athena to see Monika, because since she was breach when born Athena’s ball and socket has not developed properly.  In the future, I will continue to seek Monika’s treatments for I truly believe in her; besides the fact that she is kind, gentle, companionate, and a lovely lady."
Thank you, lovely D. XXX