Friday, 16 July 2010

Homoeopathy For Headaches

Homoeopathic Remedies can help with headaches.
There are many remedies available, and an experienced homoeopath can help to find the suitable remedy.
Here are just a few:

Belladonna is the right choice for headaches with a severe onset and which give you a pulsating pain - like a "hammer mill" - in your forehead. It feels as if your head is about to explode with heat, but arms and legs feel cold. Any movement or noise can make it worse. Belladonna is best taken in D6, in acute cases every 30 to 60 minutes. If you start to feel better, take the remedy 2 to 3 times per day.

Nux vomica D12 helps with headaches after a boozy night - when your head is buzzing, your face is puffy and your tummy is upset. Take Nux Vom every hour until you feel better.

Gelsemium sempervirens is the right choice if dull, pressing pain starts in the back of your neck and spreads around the head like a band. This remedy is also useful if these symptoms are triggered by fear or nervousness, like stage fright etc.

If the symptoms do not disappear after a few days or get worse, please see your doctor.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Candida Can Cause Lots of Problems!

Do you suffer from any of those? - flatulence, inability to lose weight, menstrual difficulties, bloating, hormonal fluctuations, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, chronic fatigue, memory problems, sore throats, headaches, migraines, indigestion, anxiety, eczema, hyperactivity, water infections, attention deficit, cravings for sweets or carbohydrates and/or alcohol, Athlete's Foot and genital infections can be caused by an overgrowth of the intestinal fungus Candida - called candidiasis.
If antibiotics are prescribed too often, the "good" bacteria in the intestines are destroyed which allows the fungus to grow unchecked. Also the "pill", steroids and immune suppressing drugs can be the reason for candida.

Friday, 9 July 2010

Guidance from Eileen Caddy

"When there is unity there is nothing to hold up the manifestation. There is so much on the etheric which is waiting to be manifested in form on the physical; wonder upon wonder, miracle upon miracle. Again I say, unite and help to bring this about without further delay. Allow nothing in you to hold it up. Let not a thought of the self or of what you want for the self mar the plan. Think only of the whole, plan for the whole, work for the whole. Give to the whole and so help really to speed things up. The perfect plan is there - help to bring it about."